Affordable Breakfast Solutions: Budget Meal Series - Autumn All Year

Simple, Affordable, Delicious Culinary Creations
Composed: Jun 28, 2023
Author: Autumn
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Affordable Breakfast Solutions: Budget Meal Series
Dollar Tree introduces eggs, expanding budget-friendly meal options.
I'm starting off with three breakfast ideas that cost $2.08 each.
"I drew inspiration for this Budget Meal Series from Dollar Tree Breakfasts, a TikTok account I follow. The creator focuses on crafting delicious dishes using ingredients solely from Dollar Tree. I admire the concept and the creator's knack for presenting mouthwatering, budget-friendly meals. However, since many of her creations are high in carbs, they don't align with my dietary preferences. Despite that, I appreciate the concept and the effort to provide accessible, economical food ideas to people.
The only thing is, most of what she makes is very carby. High-carb meals do not serve my body well. Realistically, I wouldn't be able to consume most or all of what she posts. Still, I love the concept. I love that she is giving people ideas for making food that is easily accessible and budget-friendly.

Budget Meal Breakfast 1: Scramble
- I started by heating the Jimmy Dean sausages in my pan. The sausages are pre-cooked, so all I need to do is heat them up.
- Next, I cooked 1/3 of the bag of frozen onions and peppers and cooked those in the juices from heating the Jimmy Dean sausages.
- Once the peppers and onions were cooked, I added two beaten eggs.
- Finally, I added 1 oz of shredded mozzarella cheese. Dollar tree breakfasts for $2.08, Part One. ##dollartreebreakfast##dollartreeeggs##dollartreefinds##lowcarb##budgetmeals##budgetcooking##lipedema##ketoforlipedema##lowcarbonabudget##ketoonabudget##keto##ketobreakfast ♬ original sound - Autumn
Budget Meal Breakfast 2: Omelet
I'm using the sausage roll to prepare the omelet. I'm using the sausage roll here because I will be able to use the fat that renders out of cooking the sausage when I cook the eggs. Because the Jimmy Dean sausages are precooked, some of the fat has already been rendered out of them. If I used those to try and cook my omelet, I wouldn't have enough fat to prevent sticking.
- I first cooked 1/2 of the sausage roll (3.5 oz sausage).
- I then cooked 1/3 of the bag of frozen onions and peppers. Once cooked, I removed the sausage, onion, and pepper mixture from the pan, leaving the rendered fat in the pan.
- I then added 2 beaten eggs and flipped them once one side had cooked.
- I then turned off the heat and stuffed the omelet with the sausage, onion, and pepper mixture and 1 oz of grated parmesan cheese. Dollar Tree breakfasts for $2.08, Part Two. ##DollarTreeDinners##DollarTreeBreakfast##LowCarb##LCHF##BudgetCooking##DollarTreeFines##Omelette#K#KetoK#KetoForLipedemaL#LowcarbForLipedema ♬ Receita Delicia - Bruno Portinho Trilhas para filmes
Budget Meal Breakfast 3: Crustless Quiche
For the final breakfast, I'm using the remaining 1/2 of the sausage roll, the remaining 1/3 of the bag of frozen peppers and onion, the remaining 1 oz of shredded cheddar cheese, and the remaining 2 eggs.
- First, I cooked the sausage roll until the juices ran clear.
- I then sauteed the peppers and onions, which I'd roughly diced, with the sausage.
- Once cooked, I transferred the sausage, onion, and pepper mixture to a baking dish, topped it with 1/2 oz grated parmesan cheese, then 2 beaten eggs, and finally another 1/2 oz grated parmesan cheese.
- I baked the crustless quiche in my air fryer (on the bake setting) at 355 degrees Fahrenheit for 32 mins. Dollar Tree breakfasts for $2.08, Part Three, the conclusion. #DollarTreeDinners #DollarTreeBreakfast #LowCarb #LCHF #BudgetCooking #DollarTreeFinds #crustlessquiche #Keto #KetoForLipedema #LowcarbForLipedema #l#lowcarbonabudget ♬ Delicious Food - La Pino
Cost Analysis
- $1.25 - Bag of frozen Pepper Stir Fry
- $1.25 - 3 oz bag of grated Mozzarella cheese
- $1.25 - 1/2 dozen eggs
- $1.25 - 3.6 oz Jimmy Dean sausages
- $1.25 - 7 oz Farmer John sausage roll
- $6.25 - Total
- $2.08 - Cost per breakfast (total of 3 breakfasts)