Simple and Delicious Sauces and Dips

Simple, Affordable, Delicious Culinary Creations
Lipedema Triumphs, Nutritional Revelations, Low-carb, Keto And Carnivore Victories
My experience with a carnivore diet and lipedema
Apr 20, 2023
When I first started experimenting with a carnivore diet, I was not yet aware of what lipedema was and definitely didn't know that I had it.
Personalizing Nutrition - there is no one-size-fits-all
Sep 18, 2023
I used to think that one day, I'd find the plan or the solution that was right for me. Was it Atkins, The 6-Week Body Makeover, low carb, or Whole 30? Was it vegetarianism or plant-based? Was it whole foods? Or maybe something else? [Read more]
I have Lipedema - what in the world is lipedema?
Nov 29, 2022
A few years ago, I heard of a condition called Lipedema. This was a true "Ah-Ha!" moment. The first of many. I first heard of lipedema in a Facebook group where someone shared that they had lipedema. They shared some pictures and discussed their symptoms. It felt a lot like I was reading my own life story.
Budget Meal Series
A series of meals that are keto and low carb and also budget friendly!
Affordable Breakfast Solutions: Budget Meal Series
June 28, 2023
Dollar Tree Store Introduces Eggs, Expanding Budget-Friendly Meal Options.
Can you lose lipedema fat? What does the research say?
June 14, 2023
If you have lipedema, you've probably heard it over and over, "You can't lose lipedema fat". Can you lose lipedema fat? What does the research say?
Skip that broccoli cheddar soup - Try this one!
May 7, 2023
Let's dissect a common store-bought soup. It's pre-made, just requiring heating. While ingredient lists may have slight variations, they're essentially identical. Here's why I'd steer clear.
Atypical Anorexia
Feb 28, 2023
Anorexia is a condition that not only affects very thin people. People of all genders, shapes and sizes can suffer serious complications from atypical anorexia.
Crustless Pizza - one of my all-time fav weekday lunches!
May 10, 2023
Crustless Pizza is one of my all time favorite weekday lunches. It is delicious, easy to prepare, can be transported and heated at the office if needed, cleans up well, and helps keep the carbs low. It is grain-free, gluten-free, egg-free, and nut-free. It suits a variety of dietary preferences and can be customized to suit just about any taste.
How do I set my macros for high fat carnivore?
Sep 17, 2022
A simple walk through for how to calculate macros on a high fat carnivore diet.
I Can't Eat Enough - spoiler alert: yes you can!
Sep 19, 2023
If you've tried eating more and you get full quickly, what can you do?
That Keto Bread You're Eating is Not Keto
Sep 5, 2023
I know, it says keto right on the label. And they've done the math for's ZERO net carbs. How exciting! I hate to be the bearer or bad news, but that keto bread you bought at the grocery store is not going to help you maintain a healthy ketogenic metabolic state.
But Is It Sustainable? Can I Eat This Way Long-term?
June 14, 2022
I love when people ask this question because it means they're looking for a long-term solution, not a quick fix. I love when people as this question because it means they have an inquiring mind, are discerning of information, and are thinking things through.
Affordable Eats: Savory Chicken Soup with Bacon
Feb 28, 2023
Savory Simplicity: Exploring the delightful diversity of chicken soups on a budget!
Dollar Tree Gumbo Soup - Budget Meal Series
May 9, 2023
The inspiration for this Gumbo Soup comes from an account I follow on TikTok called Dollar Tree Dinners. The creator makes meals using ingredients only ingredients from Dollar Tree.
What and How I Eat - How It Began, How It's Changed, How It's Going Now
June 20, 2023
How I found myself, a former vegetarian, following a carnivore diet and what and how I eat now.
Basically you're not a carnivore? *insert eye roll here*
Jun 16, 2022
I get this question a lot. If someone sees a little hot sauce on top of my Pork Rind Nachos...if I post an image of my Garlic Cheesy Bread...if someone sees that there are a couple pieces of jalapeno on top of my Pizza…or if someone sees that I eat mushrooms…the mycophobia is strong with some people…inevitably, someone has to remark, "oh so you're not a carnivore then?" *insert eye roll here*
Pork Rind Nachos - Budget Meal Series
Mar 22, 2023
Pork Rind Nachos is the second installment in my Budget Meal Series, following the Bacony Chicken Soup I did for the first post.
Colon Cancer - what does the research say about meat?
May 3, 2023
Research findings on the relationship between meat consumption and colon cancer.
PSA: Meat doesn't rot in the gut
Apr 22, 2023
When we eat meat it is broken down by stomach acid and digestive enzymes. In the small intestine, the proteins are broken down into essential amino acids, and the fats are broken down into essential fatty acids.
Fasting - are there groups who should not fast?
Mar 13, 2023
People on health journeys or who are interested in longevity often want to know about fasting and whether or not it's something they should do. And if it's something they should do, for how long? Those are all very good and legitimate questions. To answer, my mind wonders how fasting (famine) has historically affected the populations and how. Meaning, do certain genders or certain age groups survive famine better than others? And there is data on both age and gender when it comes to survivability in times of famine.
Pollock in Mustard Cream Sauce with Bacon - Budget Meal Series
Mar 23, 2023
Pollock in Mustard Cream Sauce with Bacon is the third installment in my Budget Meal Series, following Bacony Chicken Soup and Pork Rind Nachos. I give this dish one thumb up. The flavor was good but the texture of the sauce was a little off.
Keto is overwhelming! At first
Jun 14, 2022
Well, yes. As a matter of fact, keto is first. I, too, was once reading up on ketogenic diets and felt overwhelmed by the vast differences in how many people are formulating their ketogenic diet and in how it eschews everything I'd ever read, heard, or learned anywhere about nutrition.
Fail Forward
Aug 16, 2022
We will all face moments of failure. When we don't achieve our goals we often feel like we've failed. Is this true? Let's talk about how we fail forward.
My #1 tip for anyone new to the idea of implementing a ketogenic diet that is appropriate for the treatment of lipedema
Dec 14, 2022
Leave everything you thought you knew about nutrition behind. It was pretty much all wrong.
That might feel overwhelming. But try to look at it like this: if what you were doing before wasn't working, doesn't it stand to reason that it might have been wrong?