Autumn All Year

Simple, Affordable, Delicious Culinary Creations
Composed: Sep 19, 2023
Revised: Sep 9, 2024
Author: Autumn
I Can't Eat Enough - spoiler alert: yes you can!
Before I understood the impact that under eating could have on metabolism, and before I understood what under eating even really was, I got really good at eat less, move more. A little too good, in fact.
"I'm only eating 1000 calories per day and I'm still gaining weight."
"I watch what I eat and I exercise consistently and I still can't lose weight".
If you've ever said or felt anything like what's being expressed in those two phrases, you were probably under eating.
An analysis of data from 65 dieting white and Black women, ages 21 to 41, revealed that their bodies could adapt to burn, on average, 50 fewer calories a day. Some of the women, who were initially overweight or obese, adapted to the weight loss to use hundreds of fewer calories per day, according to the report published Thursday in Obesity.
This “metabolic adaptation” is a response to weight loss by decreasing the resting metabolic rate — that is, the number of calories a person needs to keep critical systems functioning, such as the heart and the lungs.
“Metabolic adaptation during weight loss can make it harder for people to achieve their goals,” said the study's first author, Catia Martins, an associate professor of nutrition science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “In this study we found people with more metabolic adaptation took longer to achieve their weight-loss goals.”
What is under eating?
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of calories your body needs to function optimally at rest. It's what your body needs in order to keep your metabolic rate healthy, to support healthy thyroid functioning, to grow hair, skin, and nails, to power your internal organs, to properly heat your body, etc. At rest.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is the total amount of energy that your body expends. That includes all the basic bodily functions I mentioned in the above paragraph and all your activity. Activity includes things like getting out of bed in the morning, your daily shower routine, preparing and cleaning up meals, going to work, gym activities, etc. All your activity is included in the TDEE calculation.
Eating below our BMR is under eating.
By under eating we risk:
- Your metabolic rate
- Heating functions (You may feel cold all the time)
- Healthy hair, skin, and nail growth
- Energy levels
- Normal thyroid functioning
- Digestion (constipation and GI issues like bloating)
- Sleep quality
- And many others
Sometimes people mistake the recommended "caloric deficit" to mean they should eat under their BMR. That is a starvation diet. Eating below your BMR starves your body of the minimum amount of calories your body needs to function optimally at rest. Depriving your body of the minimum amount of calories your body needs to function optimally at rest means it will no longer function optimally. It will begin slowing down these functions:
- Our metabolic rate
- Heating functions
- Healthy hair, skin, and nail growth
- Energy levels
- Normal thyroid functioning
- Digestion
- Sleep Quality
- And many others
So, what can I do?
If you've tried eating more and you get full quickly, what can you do?
The answer is something called a reverse diet. A reverse diet is not a new concept. It's been used in the body building community, where body builders cycle through periods of caloric deficit and caloric surplus, for a very long time. A reverse diet is the reverse of what you normally think of as a diet.
A reverse diet isn't a crash diet though. It's more incremental.
We're going to incrementally bring our total caloric intake up.
Usually starting with adding 100 calories per day and increasing that weekly is a reasonable goal. If you find that is too much, you can start with 50 calories per day.
It goes like this:
- Day 1-7: Add 100 calories to your normal daily intake.
So, if your normal daily intake is 1000 calories per day, begin by increasing your daily intake to 1100 calories per day. - Day 8-14: Add 100 calories to your normal daily intake.
So, if your normal daily intake on day 1 was 1000 calories per day, you will now be consuming 1200 calories per day. - And continue in this fashion until you are consuming your Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
To help visualize, here is a list of how each day would look, assuming that your beginning daily caloric intake is 1000 calories:
- Day 1 through 7: 1100 calories per day
- Day 8 through 14: 1200 calories per day
- Day 15 through 21: 1300 calories per day
- And continue increasing incrementally (100 calories per week) until you've reached a healthy caloric intake.
Then how do I lose weight?
If, like most of us, you're still under the thought process that the only way to lose weight is to eat less and move more, you might be wondering how you're going to lose weight if you eat more.
Caloric reduction in the form of under eating is a really effective SHORT TERM weight loss strategy that can be employed a few times, with serious consequences. The consequences are what I outlined above. To review, those consequences may be:
- A slowing down of your metabolic rate
- A reduction in the energy put toward heating functions
This is why dieters are often chronically cold. - A slowing down of production of healthy hair, skin, and nail growth
- A reduction in energy levels
- Damage to normal thyroid functioning
- Digestive issues
- Poor sleep
- And many others
That's why caloric restrictive under eating is only an effective SHORT-TERM weight loss strategy. That's why under eating is really only effective A FEW TIMES. Because it comes with some serious consequences.
A better strategy
A better strategy than reducing your overall caloric intake is to change what you eat and ensure you are eating enough of it.
In this interview, Dr. Ben Bikman does a great job of explaining why caloric deficits often lead to over eating AND that the issue of weight loss is more complex than just eating less.
Popular Science gives a less sciency explanation, although more verbose, in more simple terms.
Here is another source, from Harvard University, that supports the idea of prioritizing what we eat rather than focusing on how much.
Dr. Ken Berry explains the futility of counting calories from a different perspective:
If you got advice from your doctor, a trainer, or a weight loss specialist to eat at a caloric deficit calculated from the BMR, you got bad advice. Please don't let that bad advice hinder you any longer.
Remember the show "The Biggest Loser"?
Of the 16 “Biggest Loser” competitors originally investigated, 14 participated in this follow-up study.
Weight loss at the end of the competition was 58.3±24.9 kg and RMR (resting metabolic rate) decreased by 610±483 kcal per day.
After 6 years, 41.0±31.3 kg of the lost weight was regained, while RMR was 704±427 kcal/day below baseline and metabolic adaptation was 499±207 kcal per day.
Weight regain was not significantly correlated with metabolic adaptation at the competition's end, but those subjects maintaining greater weight loss at 6 years also experienced greater concurrent metabolic slowing.
- Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition
Another study, published by the NIH, concluded that under-eating can also lead to significant muscle loss.
So, how do I eat more?
Begin with the instructions above for adding 100 calories to your normal daily intake and proceed with adding another 100 calories after 1 week. Continue in that fashion until you're eating a normal amount of food.
Below is a list of foods that you can add to your food intake that are roughly 100 calories:
*items in bold are carnivore diet compliant*
- *Hard boiled large egg: 78 calories
- *String cheese: 85 calories
- *1/2 can of tuna: 101 calories
- *1/2 cup cottage cheese: 90 calories
- *1/2 cup whole plain Greek yogurt: 110 calories
- 1/2 avocado: roughly 120 calories (depending on size)
- 1 cup fresh blueberries: 86 calories
- 1 latte with 2 tbsp heavy cream: 102 calories
- 1 celery stalk with 2 tbsp cream cheese 110 calories